Enquiries and feedback
Fill in our enquiries and feedback form
Send us enquiries, compliments or suggestions using our online form(Opens external website).
We welcome feedback about:
- our website
- our services
- the service providers funded by our department.
Email us
For general enquiries, email Enquiries@dss.gov.au.
Write to us
Department of Social Services
GPO Box 9820
In your capital city
Call us
Phone 1300 653 227.
Our switchboard is open 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (AEDT/AEST) Monday to Friday, except national and ACT public holidays.
Call rates from landline and mobile providers may vary. Check with your current service provider.
If you are calling from overseas, phone +61 2 6146 0001.
Media enquiries
Media can email enquiries to Media@dss.gov.au. Include your:
- contact details, including your phone number
- deadline for your story.
Journalists can also call the media hotline on 02 6146 8080 during business hours.
Payroll enquiries
If you have a question about your pay, or service history with the department, email payandconditions@dss.gov.au.
If you’re making a complaint
If you would like to submit a complaint about our services or a service provider we fund, learn more about making a complaint.
If you have a complaint in relation to procurement we’ve conducted, find out how to make procurement complaints.