Procurement complaints

Learn more about making complaints in relation to procurement conducted by our department.

General procurement complaints

You can make a general procurement complaint to us about any aspect of the procurement process for procurements we have undertaken. These types of complaints are separate to complaints made under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 or through the Australian Government procurement coordinator(Opens external website).

How to make a general procurement complaint

To make a general procurement complaint, either:

To help us resolve your complaint quickly, include the following information in your submission:

  • your name, supplier business name, ABN, address, phone and email
  • details of the procurement including the service, estimated contract value, relevant times and dates, AusTender ID and UNSPSC code (if known)
  • a factual and concise outline of your complaint
  • any other information, documents or evidence to support your complaint.

We will engage with you as far as practicable to resolve the complaint. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the complaint, you can raise your complaint with either:

Complaints about breaches to Commonwealth Procurement Rules

The Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018(Opens external website) establishes an independent complaint mechanism for government procurement processes. The Act requires the accountable authorities of relevant Commonwealth entities to formally investigate complaints that are made in accordance with the Act, and to suspend procurements during the investigation of a complaint under the Act, unless a public interest certificate is in place. 

The Act also places obligations on suppliers to take reasonable steps to resolve a complaint with the relevant Commonwealth entity before taking action in the Federal Circuit Court. 

For guidance on the Act, visit the Department of Finance website for the Resource Management Guide No: 422 - Handling complaints(Opens external website).

How to lodge a complaint under the Act

To lodge a complaint under the Act, email Include all the following details so we can assess the complaint on time.

Contact details

  • Supplier name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Name and contact details of who can be contacted regarding the complaint.

Information on the procurement

  • Approach to market reference number
  • Any other relevant reference numbers
  • Relevant times and dates (for example, issuance of tender/closing or tender/contract award).

Complaint details

  • Detail on the relevant paragraph/s of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPR) that you consider having been contravened, and why you believe this is so
  • A detailed statement of your complaint, including information to support your complaint and any relevant events and facts
  • Details of any attempts to resolve the complaint (noting in the first instance you should raise issues or concerns with the Procurement Contact Officer before making a complaint)
  • An outline of how your interests are affected because of the alleged CPR contraventions.

Public interest certificates

Read the public interest certificates issued by our department. 

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