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Showing 201 to 210 of 2322 results

1. Introduction and context

1. Introduction and context The welfare/community services sector as a whole (and the disability service sector in particular) has undergone significant change in recent times, particularly since 1996−97 when the Disability Employment Assistance Reform agenda was announced. The aim of the reform was to improve …

2. The Supported Wage System

2. The Supported Wage System 2.1 What is the Supported Wage System? The Supported Wage System (SWS) is a Commonwealth Government program designed to address the barriers to employment in the open workforce faced by people with a disability whose productivity and employment competitiveness are reduced because of their …

3. Competency-based assessment

3. Competency-based assessment 3.1 Introduction Competency-based assessment is commonly linked to competency-based training and forms the basis of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system in Australia. Competency-based assessment was introduced in 1991 by the National Training Board (now called the …

4. Research findings - feedback from the sector

4. Research findings - feedback from the sector 4.1 Consultation process and issues The research was conducted in a relatively short time frame, with consultations aimed at gauging the views and perceptions of relevant stakeholders from across the country. This limited the coverage of the consultation process, with …

5. Analysis of current assessment processes

5. Analysis of current assessment processes The following section describes the research team's analysis of the various wage determination processes identified during the research project. 5.1 Historical models Many Business Services pay wages based on their capacity to pay, or in some cases, on historical …

6. Industrial relations, training and variability

6. Industrial relations, training and variability 6.1 The role of unions and industrial relations bodies 6.1.1 Unions Some difficulty was experienced in engaging union representatives during the consultation process, although two union groups were consulted regarding issues associated with wage rates for employees in …

7. Assessment tool comparison

7. Assessment tool comparison 7.1 Assessment tool comparison matrix To evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of existing wage assessment processes being employed by Business Services, a matrix incorporating a range of criteria defining elements of each process was developed. The matrix addresses each …

8. Recommendations

8. Recommendations The following recommendations have been formed on the basis of findings from the research project, including background research and a broad consultative process engaging a diverse group of stakeholders. 8.1 Design of a single assessment tool Recommendation 1 A single wage assessment tool for wage …

Appendix A Applicable Disability Services Standards

Appendix A Applicable Disability Services Standards The following lists the 11 Disability Service Standards, and the supporting standards of those directly related to the provision of employment support. Standard 1 Service Access Each consumer seeking a service has access to a service on the basis of relative need and …

Appendix B The Model Clause

Appendix B The Model Clause A model clause 1. Workers Eligible For A Supported Wage This clause defines the conditions which will apply to employees who because of the effects of a disability are eligible for a supported wage under the terms of this agreement/award. In the context of this clause, the following …