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Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Ministers endorsed the National Framework for Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Restrictive Practices in the Disability Service Sector at their meeting at the Disability Reform Council meeting on 21 March 2014.

The National Framework focuses on the reduction of the use of restrictive practices in disability services that involves restraint (including physical, mechanical or chemical) or seclusion.

This Framework is the result of the decision by Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Ministers to develop a National Framework.

An initial draft National Framework was prepared for Disability Ministers at their meeting on 3 May 2013 by Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Officials. This work was informed by extensive research and an initial targeted consultation in April 2013 with expert stakeholders. Disability Ministers requested a wider period of consultation to be facilitated.

A further one month consultation process took place in June 2013, inviting comments from people with disability, their families and carers, disability and carer organisations, advocacy groups, service providers, human rights organisations, medical and allied health professionals, and other stakeholders. The consultation process closed on 28 June 2013.

The National Framework outlines key principles to guide work in this area and core strategies to reduce the use of restrictive practices in the disability service sector.

The National Framework will also play an important role by enabling all Australian Governments to have a consistent approach to reducing and eliminating restrictive practices.

Resource details

Date published: 1 May 2013
Last updated: 30 Oct 2024

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DSS1126 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1126