The Disability Employment Services (DES) Performance Framework is now in place.

Why we need a Performance Framework

The Performance Framework’s goal is to drive continuous improvement in providers, so they deliver quality services for participants.

The Australian Government developed the Performance Framework to improve the:

  • performance of providers in the DES program
  • services delivered to participants, so they can achieve meaningful and sustainable employment outcomes
  • information given to employers, participants and stakeholders about provider performance.

The Performance Framework allows the Government to better manage and evaluate provider performance. It also gives employers and participants a clearer understanding of provider performance. This means they can make more informed choices on which providers to work with. 

About the Performance Framework

The Performance Framework replaces the previous DES performance measures. It will monitor and measure providers against 3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The KPIs are efficiency, effectiveness and quality.

The Performance Framework includes scorecards on a provider’s effectiveness and quality. The scorecards will give participants more information to help them choose a provider that suits them. They will be available publicly from the second half of 2024.

Developing the Performance Framework 

The Government developed the Performance Framework in consultation with:

  • DES providers
  • peak bodies
  • Disability Representative Organisations.

The Government will continue to improve and update the Performance Framework. This includes testing the scorecards with participants and continuing to gather feedback from providers and peak bodies around performance.

More information

Read the Disability Employment Services (DES) Performance Framework.

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