The Australian Government is developing two new guides as part of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

We want to hear from people with disability, policy makers, academics, business owners, community organisations and the disability sector to make sure the guides meet the needs of people with disability.

The two guides aim to:

  • make it easier for governments, businesses and the community to use the Strategy’s Guiding Principles in their work. This will ensure policies, programs and services are appropriate and accessible for people with disability.
  • make sure people with disability are involved in evaluating policies, programs and services.

Have your say by reading the consultation paper and completing the online questionnaire on DSS Engage(Opens external website).

These are available in Easy Read, Braille, Auslan and a range of languages other than English.

Public consultation is open now and closes at 11:59 pm AEST, Wednesday 30 November 2022.

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