The Australian Government is reviewing Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031(Opens external website)

Launched in 2021, Australia’s Disability Strategy is the country’s national disability framework. It calls on all Australians to ensure people with disability can participate as equal members of society.

We have heard your feedback since the launch and want to know what you think is working and what needs to change.

People with disability, their families and carers, disability organisations and the wider community are invited to provide feedback. This is your opportunity to help shape this important strategy so it continues to improve outcomes for people with disability.

You can review the discussion paper and complete a guided questionnaire on the DSS Engage website(Opens external website) by 6 September 2024.

The Australian Government will continue to consult with people with disability throughout the life of the Strategy, which will include a major evaluation in 2025-2026.

Be part of the conversation.

Find out more

For more information about the review and how to provide your feedback visit DSS Engage(Opens external website).

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