Nine Australians with disability are in New York to attend the 17th Session of the Conference of States Parties (COSP17)(Opens in a new tab/window) to the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)(Opens in a new tab/window).

COSP17 is held at the UN Headquarters from 11 to 13 June 2024. It is one of the most important meetings of people with disability in the world. It brings together organisations to discuss the CRPD, including:

  • governments
  • human rights institutions
  • disability and civil society organisations.

The civil society delegates representing Australia are independent from government and business sectors. They bring their unique stories of lived experience to the world stage. This year’s funded civil society delegates and their supporting organisations are:

  • Elvis Martin, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
  • Daniel Munter, Children and Young People with Disability Australia
  • Emily Unity, Children and Young People with Disability Australia
  • Michael Cox, Down Syndrome Australia
  • Lingyun Wu, National Ethnic Disability Alliance
  • Lisa Ira, People with Disability Australia
  • Giancarlo de Vera, People with Disability Australia
  • Uncle Paul Calcott, Queensland Advocacy and Inclusion 
  • Clare Gibellini, Women with Disabilities Australia

Civil society delegates receive funding through the Australian Government’s Supporting Participation Program.

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