2023 Independent Review of the NDIS

The Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, announced a review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on Tuesday 18 October 2022. 

The Independent Review of the NDIS (NDIS Review)(Opens external website) looked at how to make sure the NDIS and the broader disability supports around it work well for the people with disability who depend on them. 

The NDIS Review looked at the NDIS design, how it works, and how to make sure it can continue into the future. It considered how the NDIS can work better for people with permanent and significant disability. 

An overarching goal of the NDIS Review was to put people with disability back at the centre of the NDIS and to create a sustainable NDIS for future generations. 

The final report of the Independent Review of the NDIS ‘Working together to deliver the NDIS’ was delivered on 7 December 2023. 

In December 2023, the Prime Minister and state and territory governments agreed to an initial response to the final report of the NDIS Review. This included introducing legislative and other changes to the NDIS to improve the experience of participants and restore the original intent of the Scheme to support people with permanent and significant disability, within a broader ecosystem of supports. 

The National Cabinet also agreed to jointly design additional Foundational Supports to be jointly commissioned by the Commonwealth and the states, with the work oversighted by the First Secretaries Group. View the National Cabinet Communique from 6 December 2023(Opens external website). 

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