Previous NDIS reforms

The Australian Government is committed to making improvements to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

2019 review of the NDIS Act and the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee

The Australian Government has committed to delivering a Participant Service Guarantee (the Guarantee) to support positive participant experiences with the NDIS.

The Guarantee will set new standards for the time it takes for key steps in the NDIS process. This means there will be agreed timeframes for people to: 

  • receive a decision on their request to access the NDIS 
  • receive an NDIS plan 
  • have a plan reviewed. 

The Guarantee will also set standards for service for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

The 2019 review of the NDIS Act

To develop the Guarantee, the government commissioned a review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) to identify opportunities to make NDIS processes simpler and more straight-forward and remove legislative barriers to positive participant and provider experiences with the NDIS.

The review was undertaken by an independent expert, Mr David Tune AO PSM. The review is often referred to as the Tune Review. People with disability, family members, carers, advocates and providers from around Australia shared their experiences and ideas through community workshops, an online survey and by making submissions.

Mr Tune delivered the review report to government in December 2019. It made 29 recommendations to improve the participant experience and support the delivery of the Participant Service Guarantee. The review report was published in January 2020.

plain English summary of the review is available.

View the AUSLAN version of the review.



What the review found

The NDIS is improving social and economic outcomes for many of its participants while increasing their ability to achieve their goals and aspirations. However, the review found that the rollout of the NDIS has not been smooth for all participants.

Feedback to the review showed that some participants:

  • found the transition to the NDIS confusing and frustrating, with some people saying they missed the supports offered under state and territory systems, particularly active case management
  • are frustrated about delays and lack of transparency around how the NDIA makes decisions
  • want to have more support to become informed and effective consumers
  • feel the NDIS is too complex and difficult to navigate
  • feel they are not recognised as the experts in their disability
  • feel NDIA staff do not understand disability or appreciate the challenges people with disability face as part of everyday life.


The review acknowledged the work that the Australian Government and the NDIA are already doing to improve the NDIS participant experience. This work will help enhance existing systems, services, decision-making and the overall experience for NDIS participants, families and carers.


The review also found that:

  • while this work progresses, some modest improvements to the legislation and operations of the NDIS could be made to strengthen its participant focus and ensure the NDIS is fit for purpose as it moves from a transition phase to a more mature system
  • governments need to work together to resolve outstanding policy issues
  • the Government and the NDIA should publish a greater range of policy information, including in a wider range of accessible formats, to help participants better understand why certain decisions have been made.

The Government response to the 2019 review of the NDIS Act

Read the Government response to the 2019 review of the NDIS Act(Opens external website) released on 28 August 2020.

Read the Review of the NDIS Act - An easy read summary(Opens external website) of the review and what the Government will do.

The Government supports or supports in principle all 29 recommendations made in the review report.

The Government had previously committed to legislate the Participant Service Guarantee (the Guarantee) by 1 July 2020. However, this has been delayed as consultation and Parliamentary consideration have been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Government is committed to making the Guarantee law at the soonest possible opportunity. In the interim, the NDIA is implementing the Guarantee administratively, including reporting on its performance in meeting the Guarantee timeframes, service standards, and engagement principles. This information is publicly available in the NDIA’s quarterly reports webpage(Opens external website).

Dispute resolution under the NDIS

Read the Interim Report on Long Term Options for Dispute Resolution under the National Disability Insurance Scheme(Opens external website) to learn more about solutions to the handling of disputes of NDIS decisions.

Timetable for legislation

Giving effect to some of these NDIS reforms requires changes to legislation. Disability ministers have agreed to consult with the disability community about the proposed changes. Public consultations on draft amendments to legislation are expected to occur from late August 2021 ahead of introduction to Parliament in October 2021.

Further information about how you can participate in information sessions and consultations on the legislation will be available soon.

Find out more

Visit the Engage website(Opens external website) for information about the 2019 consultation process on the development of the Participant Service Guarantee, including the discussion paper(Opens external website) and public submissions(Opens external website).

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