Living in Australia: The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey

A household-based long-term survey about Australian residents.


The words Living in Australia next to a group of people standing in a map of Australia.

About the study

Living in Australia: The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey provides longitudinal data on the lives of Australian residents. The survey covers a wide range of aspects of life including: 

  • family dynamics  
  • economic wellbeing 
  • subjective wellbeing 
  • labour market dynamics. 

Visit the Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic and Social Research website for information about the HILDA survey(Opens external website).  

Read more about the survey in the HILDA fact sheet

Study participants

The survey commenced in 2001. The study collected data annually through interviews with all people over 15 years old in each household. In wave 1, the study collected data from 7,682 households (13,969 individuals). The wave 11 data collection added a sample top up of 2,153 households (5,462 individuals). 

Table: HILDA survey sample size and response rates

This table shows for each wave the number of HILDA survey participants and the retention rates.   

Wave Persons interviewed in responding  
Wave-on-wave response rate2 
Response rate of initial wave respondents3  
Main cohort Top-up cohort4 
Wave 1 13,969  
Wave 2 13,041 86.9 86.9  
Wave 3 12,728 90.4 82.1  
Wave 4 12,408 91.6 78.6  
Wave 5 12,759 94.4 78.1  
Wave 6 12,905 94.9 76.6  
Wave 7 12,789 94.7 74.0  
Wave 8 12,785 95.2 72.5  
Wave 9 13,301 96.3 72.1  
Wave 10 13,526 96.4 70.8  
Wave 11 17,612 96.5 69.8  
Wave 12 17,475 95.3 68.6 92.3 
Wave 13 17,500 95.5 67.4 87.4 
Wave 14 17,511 96.1 66.5 84.8 
Wave 15 17,605 96.5 65.6 82.4 
Wave 16 17,693 96.7 64.6 81.0 
Wave 17 17,570 96.4 63.7 78.6 
Wave 18 17,434 96.2 62.0 75.9 
Wave 19 17,462 96.7 60.7 74.0 
Wave 20 17,070 95.2 58.7 70.9 
Wave 21 16,549 94.0 56.1 67.6 
Wave 22 15,954 93.4 53.7 64.4 


  1. The number of persons who completed an individual interview. There may be other adult members in a responding household who are not interviewed. 
  2. The proportion of persons who responded in both the current and the previous waves, of those who responded in the previous wave and were in-scope to respond in the current wave. 
  3. The proportion of persons who responded in both the current wave and the initial wave, of those who responded in the initial wave and were in-scope to respond in the current wave. 
  4. In wave 11, a large top up of new households occurred. 
  5. This table is sourced and derived from HILDA User Manual - Release 22. 



We are responsible for the HILDA survey. The Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne are contracted for the design and management of the survey. 

The Nielsen Company collected data for waves 1 to 8. Roy Morgan Research collected data for waves 9 to 22.  

The HILDA Executive Reference Group includes leading researchers from a range of disciplines. They provide advice on the development of survey content. 

The HILDA Technical Reference Group provides technical advice to the study. 

Visit the Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic and Social Research website for information about the HILDA reference groups(Opens external website)

How to access the data

HILDA data is available for free through the Australian Data Archive Dataverse platform.  

The data is for approved researchers from government, academic institutions and non-profit organisations. 

Visit Dataverse(Opens external website)

Learn more about how to apply for access to our datasets

Research and publications

HILDA data has improved our understanding of the issues facing families regarding income and labour dynamics. An extensive number of research publications use or reference HILDA data. 

Visit the Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research website for HILDA survey publications(Opens external website). This includes statistical reports, technical papers, journal articles and conference papers. 

Data highlights

Data Highlight No.1/2014: Financial Hardship in Australia by Laura Bennetts Kneebone 

Research summaries

Research Summary No.8/2016: Productive Engagement and Welfare Receipt: a Life Course Profile in Australia by Peng Yu 

Find other research publications using HILDA data on our FloSse Research(Opens external website) website. 

Contact us

For more information about the HILDA survey, contact

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