National Housing and Homelessness Plan

About the National Housing and Homelessness Plan and how it’s being developed.

About the National Housing and Homelessness Plan 

The National Housing and Homelessness Plan is a part of the Australian Government’s housing strategy. The Plan will inform future housing and homelessness policy in Australia. 

Purpose of the Plan 

The Australian Government understands that safe and affordable housing is central to the security and dignity of Australians. Safe and affordable housing also has bigger benefits for our communities and economies. 

The Plan will unite efforts to improve housing and homelessness outcomes across the board. This includes making it easier for Australians to buy or rent a home and reducing homelessness. The Plan also aims to better support people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. 

The Plan is a key part of the government’s ambitious housing reform agenda, which also includes:  

Consultation and engagement 

Key stakeholders have been consulted in developing the Plan. The National Housing Supply and Affordability Council also provided advice. 

There was broad public consultation in 2023 on what is needed to improve Australians’ access to safe and affordable housing. We are grateful for the wide range of people and organisations who contributed to the consultation, especially the people with lived experience of housing insecurity and homelessness and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities who shared their stories. A Consultation Summary Report(Opens external website) is now available. 

We heard about the deep and complex challenges of housing and homelessness experienced by people across the country. We also recognise the challenges faced by organisations providing services.  

We wish to express our thanks to every person and organisation who has engaged with the Plan’s consultation process. This includes those who provided a submission, attended a consultation event and shared their experiences to support the development of the Plan. 

More information 

Visit our Engage website to learn more about the consultation(Opens external website).

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