Research on forced adoption

Information about the research on forced adoption practices impacts and the Forced Adoption Support Services.

Impacts of past adoption practices

The Australian Institute of Family Studies conducted research to improve the understanding of the impacts of forced adoption practices.

Senate inquiry

The Senate Community Affairs References Committee held an inquiry into former forced adoption policies and practices. They released the report, Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices(Opens external website), in February 2012. 

The report found forced adoption and the removal of children was widespread. These policies and practices were particularly common between 1951 and 1975. The Senate Committee received submissions from hundreds of people affected by forced adoption. The inquiry found there were many ways forced adoptions occurred. Some mothers talked about being drugged and shackled to beds. Others were not told about government payments available to help them keep their child. They felt they were not given a choice. 

The report estimates there were 140,000 to 150,000 total adoptions in the period. There were as many as 250,000 total adoptions from 1940 to 2012. The report concluded it is impossible to know the exact number of people affected by forced adoptions. 

Research on support services

Scoping study on support services

The Australian Government funded the Australian Institute of Family Studies to do a scoping study. They mapped how well support services met people’s needs. They also identified gaps in the service system.  

The Forced Adoption Support Services Scoping Study report recommended options to provide better support. The options focused on improving coordination and connection between existing services.  

Post implementation review

We contracted Australian Healthcare Associates to review the Forced Adoption Support Services. This looked at how well the services were implemented. It also looked at successes, issues and service gaps.  

The Forced Adoption Support Services Post Implementation Review Final Report recommended some improvements for service delivery.

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