About the FaC Activity

We fund programs and services through grants to service providers. The service providers run the programs and services.

The goal of the programs and services is to improve the wellbeing of children and young people, their families, and communities. This helps vulnerable people feel supported and happy in their community.

At the centre of the FaC Activity are 3 goals:

  • Children and young people thrive.
  • Adults are empowered.
  • Family relationships flourish.

Together these support cohesive communities.

DSS Grant Service Directory (Opens external website)

Visit the DSS Grant Service Directory to find a provider of these services near you.

FaC Activity programs and services

The FaC Activity programs and services help people at different stages of life and through different situations.

Children and parents

Family focused services

Adult services for care leavers and adoptees

Support for service providers

Funded organisations must follow the requirements set out in the grant agreement. Organisations must report back to the department about what is and isn’t working well. This means we can make sure each program is getting the desired results. We have provided resources to help with this.

Outcomes Framework

The Families and Children Activity Outcomes Framework outlines the key outcomes funded programs and services need to achieve.

Using the Outcomes Framework

The Outcomes Framework is a guide for service providers so they can deliver their activity and report on it in the DSS Data Exchange (DEX). Service providers will use DEX to measure how well their program is meeting its goals.

These documents explain how to link the outcomes in the Outcomes Framework to report in DEX.

There are also fact sheets, task cards, webinars and e-learning modules to help use DEX. These are available on the DEX website(Opens external website).

Service providers should also refer to the outcomes in the Outcomes Framework in their Program LogicsActivity Work Plans, and reports. Each program has its own reporting requirements. These are listed on their program pages.

Child Family Community Australia

Child Family Community Australia is run by Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS). It is an information exchange for the families and children sector. 

More information (Opens external website)

Visit the AIFS website to learn more about Child Family Community Australia.

Evidence and evaluation support

AIFS offers evidence-based planning, implementation, and evaluation resources to FaC Activity service providers. They can also provide advice on choosing outcomes to measure and selecting measurement tools.

Find out more:

Critical incident reporting

FaC Activity service providers must notify the department of critical incidents. This must happen within 48 hours of the incident or within 48 hours of becoming aware of incidents.

To report the incident:

  • fill in the critical incident reporting template with the details
  • send the completed form to the Funding Arrangement Manager listed in the grant agreement. 
Download the critical incident reporting template


All providers have ways to provide feedback on their services. They will be able to give you information about their complaints policy. This is how concerns should be raised in the first instance. 

If you are not comfortable talking directly with the service provider or if you are not happy with how your complaint has been managed, you can contact us.

For details about how to provide feedback or make a complaint to the department see Enquiries and feedback.

Related news

Showing 3 to 4 of 4 results

Families and Children Activity program funding extensions

The Australian Government is extending funding arrangements for a number of funded services under the Families and Children Activity.

Families and Children Activity program extensions

The Australian Government is extending funding agreements ceasing 30 June 2020 for a further 12 months to 30 June 2021 for families and children services across…
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