Emergency relief

Services are available to people who are experiencing financial hardship during times of crisis.

About emergency relief

Emergency relief services can support people who are experiencing financial distress and have limited resources to help them with their financial crisis.

Emergency relief is typically for people who have low or no income making them vulnerable to financial shock such as high utility bills. Others may need support because of life changing events such as illness or family violence.

Emergency relief organisations can identify additional needs and refer people to:

  • financial counselling
  • mental health support
  • alcohol and other drugs support.

This quick approach can help people and their families to become self-sufficient.

The organisations delivering emergency relief help minimise people’s potential dependence on assistance and build strong networks within their local communities.

The type of help offered by each organisation varies. Help may include one-off assistance such as:

  • food, transport or chemist vouchers
  • part-payment of utility accounts
  • food parcels or clothing
  • budgeting assistance
  • referrals to other services that help to address underlying causes of financial crisis.

More information

Ask Izzy

Ask Izzy is a free and anonymous way to find national and local support. It includes services like housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice and many more.

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Income support payments

Learn more about the range of income support payments, benefits and concessions available to support Australians during various stages of life.

DSS2424 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2424