Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Strategic Documents

Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Policy Framework

The Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Policy Framework outlines the purpose and scope of the ILC program.

The former Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Disability Reform Council (DRC) endorsed the ILC Policy Framework in August 2015. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) was initially responsible for implementing the ILC Policy Framework. The ILC transferred from the NDIA to the Department of Social Services (DSS) in October 2020.

Read the ILC Policy Framework

About the ILC Policy Framework:

  • The ILC promotes connection of people with disability, their families and carers, with broader systems of supports
  • The ILC helps to build capacity to support people with disability, their families and carers
  • The ILC focuses on creating more inclusive communities for all people with disability. Anyone can inquire about disability services, including ILC. Those with an NDIS plan can do this through their Local Area Coordinator (LAC)
  • The ILC promotes working together with local communities and other government services to improve inclusivity and accessibility for people with disability
  • The ILC is part of a broader disability ecosystem. Partners in the community who deliver LAC services as part of ILC and through individual NDIS plans work together to support people with disability.

ILC Investment Strategy

DSS has implemented the current Investment Strategy (the Strategy) since October 2020.

Read the ILC Investment Strategy

The Strategy is designed to ensure:

  • people with disability have options. It will build the capacity of non-NDIS participants to achieve their goals outside of specialist disability services
  • people with disability, their family and carers have greater access to information and supports
  • people with disability, their family and carers build their knowledge, skills and confidence to more fully participate in social and economic life
  • organisations will be run by and for people with disability and/or their families and carers
  • strong collaboration across government
  • improved measurement of the reach and impact of the ILC strategy.

ILC Performance Measurement Framework

The department commissioned Social Ventures Australia to develop a performance measurement framework to help funding recipients measure and capture data. This information will:

  • help identify which grant activities are making a positive difference for people with disabilities, their families and the community
  • show through project reports that grants are meeting the objectives and outcomes of the ILC grant-funding stream
  • show which projects ‘are working’ or ‘not working’.

The ILC strategic documents outline the objectives and outcomes of the ILC program. These documents were created in collaboration with funding recipients.

The Performance Measurement Framework is optional. It was created for organisations that would like to improve how they measure and capture data.

The Performance Measurement Framework is designed to link the objectives and outcomes identified in the strategic documents with funded activities. It is made up of 6 documents, listed below. These documents all together may look overwhelming, this is only because it has to cover all potential outcomes of the ILC program, but you will not need to read everything. Most users will only need to read the first document. You can then refer to relevant sections of the 2 other documents.

The Performance Measurement Framework documents include:

  1. The Performance Measurement Framework. This provides guidance on how to collect data to measure and report on how well you are achieving the ILC outcomes. All users of the Performance Measurement Framework should read this document. Depending on the nature of the funded activity in question, you might only need to refer to small sections of the 2 other documents.
    An explanatory video to introduce the framework, incorporating an Auslan interpretation, is also available: ILC Performance Measurement Framework Explainer
  2. The ILC Outcomes Framework. This lists outcomes that can help achieve the main objectives outlined in the ILC Investment Strategy. Most users will only need to read the part of the ILC Outcomes Framework that is relevant to their grant and funding stream objectives.
  3. The ILC Outcomes Selection Guides. These help you to ask the right questions when considering how funded activities are achieving ILC outcomes. The answers can support reporting on progress through the Data Exchange and/or your activity work plan. The Selection Guides also link ILC outcomes to the outcome areas identified in Australia’s Disability Strategy (ADS). There is one Outcomes Selection Guide for each of the 4 funding streams under ILC:

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