Child Support Scheme history

Since it started, the Child Support Scheme has undergone major reviews, reforms and updates.

History of the scheme

The Child Support Scheme makes sure children get appropriate support from their parents following separation.

The scheme began in 1988. It responded to concerns about child poverty in single parent families. Before this, separated parents needed a court order for child support, then called child maintenance.

The Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988(Opens in a new tab/window) established the Child Support Agency. It set out how the registration, collection and enforcement of court orders and court-registered agreements would work.

The Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989(Opens in a new tab/window) set out how to assess child support using a formula. It came into force on 1 October 1989.

Child support principles

The scheme is based on the principle that separated parents have the primary duty to financially care for their child.

Other principles are:

  • support should be based on the parents’ capacity to pay
  • parents and carers who have ongoing daily care of children should not have to go to court to get appropriate support
  • children should share in changes in the standard of living of both their parents, even when they don’t live with both parents
  • Australia should honour its obligations under international agreements and arrangements
  • parents and carers should be able to make private arrangements for their children’s support 
  • the privacy of parents and carers should be protected as much as possible.

Key child support inquiries, reports and research

Year Child support inquiries and reports
1984 National Maintenance Inquiry: A maintenance agency for Australia(Opens in a new tab/window).
1986 Cabinet Sub-Committee on Maintenance: Discussion paper on child maintenance(Opens in a new tab/window).
1988 Child Support Consultative Group: Child support formula for Australia: a report from the Child Support Consultative Group, May 1988 - Catalogue(Opens in a new tab/window).
1992 Child Support Evaluation Advisory Group: Child support in Australia: Final report of the evaluation of the Child Support Scheme,(Opens in a new tab/window) 2 volumes.
1993 Joint Select Committee on Certain Family Law Issues: “Thanks for listening”: a report on the Child Support Inquiry Hotline(Opens in a new tab/window).
1994 Joint Select Committee on Certain Family Law Issues: The operation and effectiveness of the Child Support Scheme(Opens in a new tab/window).
2003 House Standing Committee Family and Community Affairs: Chapter 6, Every picture tells a story: Inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation(Opens in a new tab/window).

Ministerial Taskforce on Child Support:

Research commissioned for the Ministerial Taskforce on Child Support:

2015 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Issues: From conflict to cooperation: Inquiry into the Child Support Program(Opens in a new tab/window).
2019 Joint Select Committee on Australia's Family Law System(Opens in a new tab/window).

More information

For more information about the Child Support Scheme history read the Child Support Guide(Opens in a new tab/window) or visit the Separated parents(Opens in a new tab/window) page on the Services Australia website.

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