Enhanced Income Management program
People living in certain locations can choose to have their income support payments managed. Anyone new to Income Management will be on the enhanced Income Management program.
Existing Income Management participants can choose to move to the enhanced Income Management program. A participant cannot go back to the Income Management program if they move to the enhanced Income Management program.
Visit the Services Australia website for more information about joining the enhanced Income Management(Opens external website) program.
Enhanced Income Management participants have an enhanced Income Management account and a Visa debit card called a SmartCard. The SmartCard allows more digital choices for participants to manage their money. This includes online banking and an option for tap and go.
Northern Territory participants can choose to have their card and account issued through Services Australia or the Traditional Credit Union (TCU).
Visit Services Australia’s website to learn about enhanced Income Management and SmartCard.(Opens external website)
Call the SmartCard eIM hotline on 1800 252 604.
Call Traditional Credit Union on 1800 828 232 (NT only) if you have a TCU SmartCard.
Program locations
Enhanced Income Management operates in various locations across Australia. These locations include former Cashless Debit Card (CDC) locations.
We have created a range of resources to help explain Income Management. They can be printed or shared online. Visit enhanced Income Management engagement resources to learn more.
Help and support
Visit Income Management help and support to find help with Income Management, emotional stress, gambling, domestic violence or managing your money.