Baseline Valuation Report

A report into the future costs of Australia’s social security system.

About the Baseline Valuation Report 

The Baseline Valuation Report provides a baseline analysis of lifetime welfare costs as at 30 June 2015. It sets a benchmark and highlights areas of interest. 

The report gives us a foundation to begin the investment process. With more analyses, this will help us develop policies and programs based on evidence and direct them where they best deliver results. 

Further annual valuations will increase the evidence base and help identify what is working. 

Baseline Valuation Report

The Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS) has released a Baseline Valuation Report into the future lifetime costs of Australia’s welfare system.
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Factsheets for priority groups 

By using data from the Priority Investment Approach, we have identified the 3 priority groups. This includes young carers, young parents and young students transitioning to unemployment payments. 

Factsheets are available on each of these 3 groups: 

Baseline Valuation Report - Carers factsheet

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Baseline Valuation Report - Parents factsheet

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Baseline Valuation Report - Students factsheet

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The baseline valuation has been independently validated by the University of Queensland’s Institute for Social Science Research, in partnership with Deloitte. 

The validation report found the baseline valuation to be:

  • reasonable
  • well documented
  • accurate
  • fit for purpose
  • suitably adaptable. 
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