The Outcomes Framework is a key action under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (the Strategy). The Strategy is a plan to make life better for people with disability. The Outcomes Framework aims to measure, track and report on how things are improving for people with disability across the life of the Strategy.

The Strategy includes 7 Outcome Areas people with disability said are the most important areas for Australia to become more inclusive. The 7 Outcome Areas set out practical changes for the government to focus on. They are: 

  • Employment and Financial Security
  • Inclusive Homes and Communities 
  • Safety, Rights and Justice 
  • Personal and Community Support
  • Education and Learning 
  • Health and Wellbeing 
  • Community Attitudes.

To know if the Strategy is working and progress is being made in the 7 Outcome Areas, specific things are tracked – these are called measures. The Outcomes Framework will track these measures and compare data to show the progress made for people with disability. The annual reports will summarise what has occurred each year.

The first annual report includes baseline data. Baseline data shows us where we began at the start of Strategy in December 2021. The data in future annual reports will compare baseline data so we can see the progress of the Strategy.

We will release data updates quarterly (where available) on the Australian Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework webpages.

Find out more:

  • Visit the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website for more information. The webpages are fully accessible and the summary of the report is available in Easy Read, Braille and a variety of community language translations including Auslan. 

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