Working Age Payments

A range of payments and supplements are available to support working age people. Working age payments are administered through Services Australia.

Working age payments assist people who are temporarily unable to support themselves through work or who have a limited capacity to work due to disability or caring responsibilities. Eligibility for payments is targeted through means testing and supplementary payments are available where people have additional costs, ensuring that assistance is directed to those with the greatest need. Recipients who have the capacity to work are required to actively seek it and may be required to attend training or work experience to improve their job prospects.

Note: From 1 July 2024, the employment income nil rate period increased from 6 to 12 fortnights. The employment income nil rate period allows people to retain supplementary benefits such as concession cards, child care subsidies and other supplementary payments for up to 12 fortnights, when their (or their partner’s) earnings from employment reduce their payment to nil under the income test. To be eligible for the employment income nil rate period, a recipient must continue to report their income to Services Australia throughout the period. If during the 12 fortnight period a person reports to Services Australia that their employment has ended or their earnings have dropped such that their payment rate is no longer nil their income support payment will automatically recommence without the need for a new claim. Depending on their individual circumstances, recipients of JobSeeker Payment, Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY, Parenting Payment, Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment may be eligible for the employment income nil rate period.

For statistical information on the various types of labour market payments delivered by Services Australia on behalf of the Department of Social Services, see Labour Market and Related Payments Monthly Profile publications.


JobSeeker Payment

Since 20 March 2020, JobSeeker Payment is the main income support payment paid to recipients aged between 22 years to Age Pension qualification age who are looking for work, who temporarily cannot work or study because of an injury or illness, or bereaved partners in the period immediately following the death of their partners.

Further information about the introduction of JobSeeker Payment.

Additional information on eligibility and payment rates of JobSeeker Payment is also available on the Services Australia website or call the Services Australia, JobSeeker Payment area on 132 850.

Youth Allowance (other)

A means tested payment for young people 16-21 years of age, who are looking for full time work or undertaking approved activities.

Further information on eligibility and payment rates of Youth Allowance is available on the Services Australia website or call the Services Australia, Youth Allowance – job seeker area on 132 490.

Parenting Payment Single

An income support payment for single parents or guardians to help with the cost of raising children.

Further information on eligibility and payment rates of Parenting Payment Single is available on the Services Australia website or call the Services Australia, Families area on 136 150.

Parenting Payment Partnered

An income support payment for partnered parents or guardians to help with the cost of raising children.

Further information on eligibility and payment rates of Parenting Payment Partnered is available on the Services Australia website or call the Services Australia, Families area on 136 150.

Special Benefit

An income support payment for Australian residents or the holders of certain temporary visas who are in severe financial hardship and ineligible for any other income support payment. Special Benefit is a discretionary payment, only paid in special circumstances.

Working age supplements

Mobility Allowance

  • A payment for people with disability, illness or injury who cannot use public transport without substantial assistance and who need to travel to participate in approved activities.
  • Further information on eligibility and payment rates of Mobility Allowance is available on the Services Australia website or call the Services Australia, People with disability area on 132 171.

Education Entry Payment (EdEP)

  • A supplementary payment available to people receiving specific income support payments, to help with the cost of study.
  • Further information on eligibility and payment rates of Education Entry Payment is available on the Services Australia website or call the Services Australia, Students & trainees area on 132 490.
  • Further information on eligibility and payment rates of Act of Grace Payment is available on the Services Australia website or the Department of Finance website, or call Services Australia on 132 468.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement

  • A supplementary fortnightly payment to help people on eligible income support payments with the costs of participating in language, literacy and numeracy training.
  • Further information on eligibility and payment rates of the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement is available on the Services Australia website or call Services Australia on 132 468.

Approved Program of Work Supplement

  • A supplementary fortnightly payment to assist people on eligible income support payments with the costs of participating in an approved program of work.
  • Further information on eligibility and payment rates of the Approved Program of Work Supplement is available on the DSS Guides to Social Policy Law website or call Services Australia on 132 468.

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