About this resource

The Australian Government welcomes the opportunity to respond to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Inquiry (Inquiry) into family, domestic and sexual violence.

The Inquiry reported on a broad range of matters relevant to best practice in prevention and intervening early where violence occurs, coordinating policy responses across government and the community, and building an evidence base about the prevalence of FDSV.

Of the 88 recommendations made by the Inquiry, the Government supports 34, supports in principle 37, partially supports one, notes 14 and does not support 2.

The Government is committed to keeping all people living in Australia safe now and into the future, with the ultimate aim to end violence against women and children. All Australians deserve to live free from fear and violence, and to be safe at home, at work, at school, in the community and online. The National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, which was informed by the findings of the Inquiry report, articulates this vision.

Resource details

Date published: 30 Mar 2023
Last updated: 30 Oct 2024

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DSS1997 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1997