About this resource

Welcoming First Nations volunteers into your workplace is an opportunity to enrich your team with diverse perspectives and skills. Ensuring a culturally supportive environment is crucial to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander volunteers feel valued and respected. Here are some guidelines for fostering culturally safe spaces for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Steps to create a culturally supportive volunteering environment

Ensure inclusive practices

  • Adapt workplace policies and practices to accommodate cultural needs.
  • Offer flexibility and leave for cultural days and community events, ceremonies, and practices.
  • Understand that Sorry Business is a cultural custom that happens when someone passes away. This can be unexpected and impact on availability of volunteers with short notice.

Provide support and resources

  • Offer resources that support cultural safety, such as training for staff on cultural competence.
  • Provide access to support networks and mentors familiar with understanding of First Nations culture.
  • Create a culture policy for all your staff to read through.

Respect and acknowledge Cultures

  • Consider how you can acknowledge Country within your organisation and engage with relevant Traditional Owners and Elders regularly.
  • Recognise and honour the unique cultural heritage and perspective of First Nations peoples bring to a volunteering environment.
  • Be mindful of historical and systemic inequalities.
  • Acknowledge significant cultural events and practices on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander calendar.

Promote open lines of communication

  • Encourage open dialogue about cultural practices and preferences.
  • Note that some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples may not look you in the eye when talking. This is not a sign of disrespect, but a cultural custom for some.
  • Provide platforms for First Nations volunteers to voice concerns and feedback in a private and discrete way.

Creating a culturally safe workplace for First Nations volunteers is an ongoing commitment that enriches your organisation and fosters a more inclusive and respectful environment. By implementing these principles and practices, you help ensure that First Nations volunteers feel welcomed, respected, and valued.

For advice on attracting volunteers visit volunteering.gov.au(Opens in a new tab/window). Visit aiatsis.gov.au(Opens in a new tab/window) to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and cultures.

Resource details

Date published: 19 Oct 2024
Last updated: 29 Nov 2024

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DSS2948 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2948