Outcome of the evaluation of carer support programs

Find the results of an independent evaluation of 3 of our carer support programs. 

About the evaluation

The impact evaluation found Carer Gateway is a successfully implemented, preventative, cost-beneficial program.

We commissioned the Integrated Carer Support Service (ICSS) impact evaluation in 2022. It was conducted by the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales. 

The evaluation assessed the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of 3 ICSS activities:

The evaluation drew on a range of methods including:

  • surveys of carers in the Australian population
  • analysis of program data and documents
  • reviews of performance monitoring reports
  • reviews of the Carer Wellbeing Survey reports
  • interviews with carers, Carer Gateway Service Provider representatives, DSS program staff, Carers Australia program staff, and other stakeholders.

Outcomes of the evaluation

Carer Gateway evaluation

The impact evaluation found Carer Gateway is a successfully implemented, preventative, cost-beneficial program.

  • The restructured investment is producing efficiencies in the service system for carers. The transition to Carer Gateway has been beneficial for most carers. 
  • All service types improved the wellbeing of carers, while respite was associated with the largest increase in wellbeing.
  • There is a high need for respite services which continues to constitute the majority of Carer Gateway services, however respite and other high-cost services are reducing as a proportion of all services.

Tristate Carer Vocational Outcomes Pilot evaluation

The impact evaluation found the Tristate Carer Vocational Outcomes Pilot (Your Caring Way) was a successfully implemented pilot and is cost-effective. The majority of carers and stakeholders considered Your Caring Way an appropriate program model for carers who wished to increase their participation in the workforce, volunteer, or study.

Young Carer Bursary Program and Young Carer Network evaluation

The impact evaluation found the Young Carer Bursary Program and Young Carer Network are appropriate for meeting the needs of young carers and the bursary is highly valued by its recipients. The program provides opportunities to a vulnerable cohort who otherwise would not only lose out on education but whose life-course could potentially be altered for a relatively low cost.

The full evaluation reports outline the methodology and findings for each activity.

Report cover image

Impact Evaluation of Carer Gateway: Final Report

This report provides findings from the impact evaluation of the Carer Gateway component of the Integrated Carer Support Service.
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Report cover image

Impact Evaluation of the Tristate Carer Vocational Outcomes Pilot (Your Caring Way): Final Report

This report provides findings from the impact evaluation of the Tristate Carer Vocational Outcomes Pilot (Your Caring Way) component of the Integrated Carer Support Service.
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Report cover image

Impact Evaluation of the Young Carer Bursary Program and Young Carer Network: Final Report

This report provides findings from the impact evaluation of the Young Carer Bursary Program and Young Carer Network component of the Integrated Carer Support Service.
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DSS2927 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2927