About our corporate plan 

We publish an annual rolling 4-year corporate plan by 31 August every year. This in accordance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013(Opens in a new tab/window) (Cth). 

The plan sets out our purposes and frames our long-term strategic policy and internal cross-departmental priorities. 

It explains the key strategies we will use to achieve our purposes. It informs our planning documents and processes. This includes our functional plans as well as business and workforce planning processes. 

Current and recent plans 

You can read our current and recent corporate plans. 

Department of Social Services Corporate Plan 2024-25

The DSS Corporate Plan sets out our purpose, including our strategic priorities for the next 4 years.
Access this resource

Previous corporate plans are also available on the National Library's Australian Government Web Archive(Opens in a new tab/window)

Related documents 

You can also read our: 

Together these documents provide insights to our annual planning and performance reporting cycle. 

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DSS140 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/140