Child Support Stakeholder Consultation Group
The Child Support Stakeholder Consultation Group gives advice on how to improve the Child Support Scheme.
The group’s main goal is to help the government achieve better outcomes for separated and separating families, with a focus on better outcomes for children. The government set up the group following a recommendation in the Third Interim Report of the 2019 Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System.
The group will:
- share information and expertise about how child support policy and services affect families and children
- discuss and provide feedback on policy and issues with service delivery
- discuss and provide feedback on data and research related to the scheme
- provide feedback to the government on their data needs
- help the Child Support Expert Panel to understand how changes to the scheme affect separated families
Members includes national peak bodies and organisations who support or assist separated parents and their children.
- Australian Council of Social Services
- Economic Justice Australia
- Family and Relationship Services Australia
- Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia
- Lone Fathers’ Association Australia
- Parents Beyond Breakup
- Professor Kyllie Cripps, Indigenous Studies Centre Monash University
- Relationships Australia
- Single Mother Families Australia
- Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner
- National Children’s Commissioner
The group meet online twice a year. Extra meetings can be held as needed.
The department and Services Australia are jointly responsible for co-chairing meetings. The Attorney-General’s Department, Treasury and the Australian Taxation Office also provide support.
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