National Rental Affordability Scheme
The National Rental Affordability Scheme was introduced to increase the supply of affordable rental dwellings. The scheme is winding down and ends in June 2026.
The National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS or the Scheme) was introduced in 2008 by the Australian Government to help increase the supply of affordable rental dwellings.
Dwellings are gradually exiting the Scheme as their 10-year incentive period ends. All dwellings in Queensland and Victoria will have exited by June 2025. Remaining dwellings will have exited by June 2026.
NRAS properties are managed by organisations known under the NRAS legislation as approved participants. Approved participants are involved in managing NRAS properties, liaising with the department and ensuring compliance with the Scheme. NRAS provides an annual financial incentive to approved participants who rent dwellings to eligible people at a rate at least 20% below market rent.
In the 2014–15 Budget, the government announced there would be no further funding rounds for new allocations. Current allocated dwellings, which are held by approved participants in the Scheme, will continue to receive incentives as agreed.
Our responsibilities include:
We do not select tenants or maintain a waiting list for homes supported by NRAS.
You can apply to rent an NRAS property through an NRAS approved participant or their tenancy manager in your state or territory.
Information on NRAS approved participants for each state is available.
The approved participant, or their representative, is responsible for assessing initial and ongoing tenant eligibility. Before submitting an application, check the minimum income threshold of your current location.
To be eligible, a tenant must meet the household income threshold at Point of Entry.
Questions you might ask tenancy managers include:
You may need to provide documents to demonstrate your eligibility. These might include income statements.
A dwelling can only be part of the Scheme for up to 10 years. The final round of NRAS dwellings that entered into the scheme in 2016 will exit in 2026. Those that entered earlier will exit sooner.
When you submit your tenancy application, we encourage you to consult with the tenancy management organisation about the end date of the dwelling.
The NRAS Act and Regulations don’t impose any residency or citizenship requirements for NRAS tenants. However, some state and territory governments may have other eligibility requirements. These may include rules around prospective tenant’s residency status. For example, in Queensland tenants are required to undergo an asset test and meet residency eligibility criteria.
The Queensland Government(Opens external website) website provides further information on eligibility requirements. For all other states and territories, an NRAS approved participant or tenancy manager of the dwelling you are applying for can provide further information.
NRAS dwellings are not social housing – they are affordable private rental homes and range from studio apartments to family homes.
Approved participants or their representative (tenancy manager) are required to manage all leasing and tenancy arrangements, including:
State and territory governments are responsible for establishing and managing tenancy regulations.
Tenants of NRAS properties have the same rights as all tenants under local residential tenancy law.
We do not select tenants or maintain a waiting list for homes supported by NRAS.
Existing tenants will cease to be eligible if their household income exceeds the applicable household income by 25% or more in 2 consecutive eligibility years.
If you have any concerns with your tenancy as an NRAS tenant, speak to your approved participant or tenancy manager first.
If you cannot resolve an issue, contact your local agency responsible for administering residential tenancy laws.
If you are living in an NRAS property and wish to move to another, you will be considered a new tenant for the new property unless unexpected or exceptional circumstances apply.
Current tenants living in an NRAS property wishing to move to another property must direct the request to the current tenancy manager or approved participant.
More information is available in subsection 41(4) of the NRAS Regulations(Opens external website) and the eligible tenants information page.
Learn more about NRAS incentives, Statements of Compliance requirements and NRAS performance reporting at management and compliance of NRAS dwellings.
Approved Participants can find the NRAS Portal and Quick Reference Guides on the NRAS portal.
Approved Participants, investors and tenants can find NRAS approved forms, factsheets and a Glossary of Terms at NRAS resources.
For questions about the actions of an NRAS tenancy manager or approved participant, email For other NRAS advice, please contact an approved participant in your state or territory.