About the Masters by Coursework program

The purpose of the Masters by Coursework program is to support students to gain qualifications for entry-level employment in their chosen profession. Students must be enrolled in an approved course of study at an approved institution to be eligible for student payments under the Social Security Act 1991. 

Qualifying as an approved course

To qualify as an approved course for student payments purposes, a masters course must be: 

It is important that courses are recorded correctly on the Determination. This allows prospective students to understand what Masters level courses may attract government support.  

Application process

Applications are assessed twice a year. We will issue an invitation pack to all higher education providers prior to each assessment round, seeking applications for Masters by Coursework programs to be approved. 

We must receive applications on, or before, the specified closing date. We cannot accept applications for course approval, or amendments to courses currently listed on the Determination, outside of a formal assessment process.

It is important providers submit new masters courses, or those requiring reassessment, in the assessment round prior to the academic semester/year the course will commence.

If a reasonable extension is needed, providers can contact mastersapps@dss.gov.au.

Higher education providers are responsible for submitting Masters by Coursework programs for assessment. Students are unable to submit courses for assessment.

Assessing applications

We assess the applications that are received. All eligible masters courses are submitted to the Minister for Social Services for approval. To learn more about the assessment criteria, visit Assessment process for masters courses.  

Things to note before you apply

Accreditation must be relevant for all graduates of the masters course. 

Submissions MUST include all relevant supporting documents such as proof of accreditation and evidence the qualification is a legal requirement to practice in a field or a professional pre-requisite for registration with a relevant professional body. 

Applications not substantiated by relevant supporting documents cannot be assessed and will be returned to the higher education provider. 

Only higher education providers can apply for a masters course to be assessed against these guidelines. Applications from students will not be accepted. 

Late applications will only be accepted with prior approval. Late applications lodged without approval cannot be accepted and will be returned to the higher education provider. 

Accredited graduate certificates and graduate diplomas are already approved for student payment purposes and should not be submitted through this program. 

Separate applications do not need to be submitted for combined bachelor/masters courses—only the Masters course component requires approval under this program. 

If a masters course is only available as a combined bachelor/masters course, then the combined course should be submitted for approval. 

Courses that do not qualify for approval

An industry preference for accreditation is not a legal or professional requirement and does not meet the criteria for approval. 

Courses not required for a specialist profession, but instead provide a qualification that leads to a broad field of employment (for example, Master of Business Administration) cannot be approved. 

Research degrees and doctorate courses (AQF level 10) are not eligible for student payments and cannot be approved. 

Master courses with nested qualifications allowing students to exit early with a lower-level award sufficient for professional entry (such as a graduate diploma) will not be approved. 

Integrated masters (honours) courses will not be approved if the corresponding non-honours masters course is already included in the Determination as the non-honours course provides a faster pathway to professional entry. 

Resubmitted courses

A course submitted previously and not approved must not be resubmitted unless there is a change of circumstances and the course now meets the criteria (for example, the course has attained full accreditation). 

Masters courses, and the higher education provider that offers them, currently listed in Schedule 3 of the Determination(Opens external website) are approved for student payment purposes and do not need to be re-submitted for approval. 

Application forms

A completed application form must be provided for each course submitted for consideration.  

All completed applications and supporting documents must be emailed to us at MastersApps@dss.gov.au

Masters by Coursework application form

Higher education providers must complete and submit this form to have your course content assessed.  

Complete the Masters by coursework course application form

Approved course name change form

Provider and course names must exactly match those listed in the Determination for students to able to receive student payments. 

This form is completed by higher education providers to advice of any name changes. It should be completed and submitted if an approved course's name has changed. If the approved course’s content has been significantly changed, the course should be resubmitted for approval.  

If students are still enrolled under the old course name, this should be noted on the form. Include when these students are expected to complete the course. If the change of name is approved, we will add the new course name and retain the old course name to ensure continued student payment eligibility. 

Complete the Approved Masters course name change form

Course removal form

Courses no longer being offered should be removed from the Determination. 

Higher education providers should complete and submit this form if an approved course has been discontinued, and students are no longer enrolled in the course. If existing students are still undertaking the course, requests to remove the course should not be submitted. 

Complete the Request for Masters course removal form

Questions about applying

For questions about how to apply or to request an extension, educational institutions should email to MastersApps@dss.gov.au.  

Students with questions about eligible masters courses should contact their higher education provider. 

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