Disability in Australia 

One in 5 Australians have a disability. That is one in 5 of the people who share our homes and workplaces, our streets and cities, our lives and hearts. They are our siblings, parents and children, colleagues and co-workers, partners and friends.  

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 (ADS) is a national framework that all Australian governments have signed up to. It sets out a plan for continuing to improve the lives of people with disability in Australia over 10 years. ADS replaces and builds on the first National Disability Strategy 2010–2020.  

The Strategy’s vision is for an inclusive Australian society that ensures people with disability can fulfil their potential, as equal members of the community. 

The Strategy is based on the social model of disability.  It recognises attitudes, practices and structures can be disabling and act as barriers. These can prevent people from fulfilling their potential and exercising their rights as equal members of the community. 

There are 7 Outcome Areas that people with disability told us need to improve to achieve the Strategy's vision: 

  • employment and financial security 
  • inclusive homes and communities 
  • safety, rights and justice 
  • personal and community support 
  • education and learning 
  • health and wellbeing 
  • community attitudes.

All levels of government play a role in services, supports and infrastructure for people with disability. Governments are obliged to provide services to all citizens. They also need to make reasonable adjustments to ensure people with disability can access those systems and services. 

Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub(Opens external website) on the Disability Gateway website provides information on how people can connect with the Strategy. It outlines how governments are acting on the Strategy. It also explains how you will know the impact of these actions and what difference this has made.    

Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub has Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031(Opens external website) in various formats. It includes key actions under ADS. The Hub also has information on the following:  

  • the rights of people with disability 
  • data and research 
  • how you can stay informed 
  • roles and responsibilities 
  • key systems outside of government 
  • points of contact for services and support 
  • relevant legislation and agreements for funding, regulation and operational responsibilities 
  • NDIS Applied Principles and Tables of Support, setting out responsibilities between the NDIS and other service systems. 

Contact the National Disability Information Gateway telephone helpline on 1800 643 787. They can also help you find the information you need. 

Development of Australia's Disability Strategy 

Australia's Disability Strategy was guided by several reviews and inquiries and extensive consultation.  

Learn more about how we developed Australia's Disability Strategy 

The first review of the Strategy was undertaken in 2024. The review included public consultation and targeted conversations. The report on the review will be published in December 2024 along with a refreshed Australia’s Disability Strategy. 

An independent evaluation of the Strategy will start in 2025. We would like you to be involved. We will provide an update when we are ready to start work on the evaluation. 

Other disability strategies and plans 

The National Disability Strategy 2010–2020 was the original national strategy. It was the first time all levels of government committed to a unified, national approach to building inclusion for people with disability. The Strategy aimed to create a more inclusive society. One that enabled Australians with disability to fulfil their potential as equal citizens. 

Read about the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020(Opens external website) on the Trove website archive. 

State and territory governments have their own disability plans in place or are developing plans. Many local governments (commonly known as councils) also have disability plans in place. Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub has more information about state and territory disability plans. 

More information (Opens external website)

Visit Australia’s Disability Strategy Hub.

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