About volunteering

Volunteers help to build stronger and more resilient communities across Australia. Volunteering touches all aspects of Australian society and helps in many ways.  

Volunteering might include helping: 

  • local sporting teams 
  • planting trees or picking up rubbish with land care groups 
  • at your local school 
  • respond to natural disasters and emergencies 
  • local charities support some of our most disadvantaged people.  

More than 6 million Australians volunteer each year. They freely give their time, energy and skills to support others. They are people from all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds. Australian volunteers are the backbone of our communities. 

National Strategy for Volunteering

We have partnered with Volunteering Australia to develop and implement the National Strategy for Volunteering (National Strategy) which was launched in February 2023. The National Strategy is inclusive of the interests of volunteers, volunteer support services, and volunteer involving organisations across Australia. 

The National Strategy will enable volunteering in Australia to thrive over the next 10 years by providing a blueprint for the future of the sector, enabling a shared vision and improved outcomes for volunteering.  

The National Strategy provides 11 strategic objectives. Organisations can use these as a guide when developing or reviewing their own volunteering practices. 

Visit the National Strategy for Volunteering website to learn more about the National Strategy for Volunteering.(Opens in a new tab/window) 

Volunteer Management Activity

This activity aims to increase opportunities for people to volunteer in their local community.  

In July 2021 $33.5 million was allocated over 5 years to the state and territory volunteering peak bodies. With a further $6.6 million given to support the redesigned Volunteer Management Activity during the first year. 

The redesigned model will build volunteer capacity through online management services. It also aims to break down barriers to volunteering for identified priority groups. 

These priority groups include: 

  • people with disability 
  • First Nations people 
  • newly arrived migrants 
  • vulnerable women 
  • young people aged 12 to 18 
  • people who are unemployed. 

Funded organisations

Organisations currently funded under the Volunteer Management Activity are listed on the DSS Grants Service Directory.  


Refer to the following resources for more information: 


Find updates relating to volunteering. 

Review of the Volunteer Management Activity

In November 2017, Matthews Pegg Consulting (mpconsulting) was commissioned to conduct an independent review into the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficien…
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