The Respect Stories competition(Opens in a new tab/window) invites young people aged 10 to 14 to submit a short story, poem or essay of up to 1,000 words, or an illustration, exploring what respect means to them.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to reflect on and share their own understanding of respect – while also giving parents and influencers of young people the opportunity to have open, ongoing and proactive conversations on this important issue.

Entries will be judged by much-loved author, comedian and advocate Jo Stanley, and one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators, Maggie Dent.

Eight written entries and two illustrative winning entries will be published in a national Respect Stories book. The winners will also be awarded a $500 gift card for themselves and one for their school.

Be sure to get your entries in quick, because entries close on Sunday 14 August 2022.

Please note: immediate families of departmental staff are not eligible to enter this competition.

More information

Visit Respect(Opens in a new tab/window) for more information about the Stop it at the Start Campaign.

Visit Respect Stories(Opens in a new tab/window) for more information on the competition and how to enter.

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