Every child deserves the opportunity for the best start to life, setting a strong foundation to achieve their goals and dreams, no matter where they are born or raised.

On 7 May 2024, the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, and the Minister for Early Childhood Education, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP, launched the Early Years Strategy 2024–2034 (the Strategy).

The Strategy outlines a 10-year framework to shape how the Australian Government prioritises young children’s wellbeing, and signposts areas for future government action.

It sets out a path to achieve the Strategy’s vision and outcomes, with a focus on four priority areas:  

  • value the early years 
  • empower parents, caregivers and families 
  • support and work with communities
  • strengthen accountability and coordination.  

The government consulted widely to develop the Strategy, including consultations with children aged 3 to 5 years old, and with parents, carers and families.

The Strategy will be implemented through 3 action plans over 10 years, with the first action plan to be finalised later this year. The first action plan will be informed by the consultations undertaken to develop the Strategy.

The action plans will provide practical steps developed in the context of the vision and priorities and with an eye to what needs to be achieved to deliver good outcomes for children in Australia.

Find out more

Read the Early Years Strategy 2024–2034.

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