To mark International Day of People with Disability, JobAccess is hosting free online webinars on organising workplace adjustments for employers and Disability Employment Services (DES) providers. Workplace adjustments are an effective way of supporting people with disability.

Register today to learn how JobAccess can help simplify the process and how to access other employment-related supports.

For employers

Wednesday 6 December from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm AEDT.

Smart organisations are taking the lead and making their workplaces accessible and inclusive, so they can attract, employ and sustain a broader talent pool.

Come and hear about how to make your workplace accessible for people with disability. Employers will:

  • learn about workplace adjustments
  • discuss examples to improve accessibility
  • explore financial help available through the Australian Government's Employment Assistance Fund
  • discover what a Reasonable Adjustment Policy is and why you need to have one.

Listen to experiences about making adjustments from:

  • disability rights advocate, writer, actor and International Day of People with Disability 2023 Ambassador Hannah Diviney
  • first Assistant Director of 'Audrey' Andrew McInally
  • Ascend Health CEO Zachary Nielsen.

Register for the webinar(Opens in a new tab/window).

For Disability Employment Services providers

Wednesday 6 December from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm AEDT.

This webinar is dedicated to DES providers and will give practical information on how JobAccess can support clients to achieve their employment goals.

It will provide an overview of organising workplace adjustments, engaging with inclusive employers and accessing other employment-related supports available through JobAccess.

DES providers :

  • learn about JobAccess supports and services that assist candidates during their job search and to start a new role
  • explore how DES can support jobseekers with workplace adjustments that may be reimbursed by the Employment Assistance Fund
  • gain insight into how the National Disability Recruitment Coordinator supports DES, including dedicated employer information sessions, regular updates and a vacancy distribution service
  • get tips on how jobseekers with disability can apply for roles with inclusive employers and prepare for interviews

Register for the webinar(Opens in a new tab/window).

Find out more

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