Homelessness Week 2024
Homelessness Week 2024 has just begun.

Monday 5 August to Sunday 11 August marks Homelessness Week 2024. The week aims to raise awareness, start conversations, aid people experiencing homelessness and prevent those at risk from falling into homelessness.
Homelessness can take many forms. It can look like anything from living in an overcrowded house to sleeping rough. It is important to recognise what homelessness looks like and how you can help those around you who may be experiencing housing insecurity.
Opening conversations about homelessness is an important part of raising awareness of the issue. Homelessness is often something that we think couldn’t happen to us, but the 2021 ABS Census shows that:
To learn more and share about homelessness visit the Homelessness Australia website.
To find out more about housing and homelessness challenges, read the Issues Paper developed to support consultations on the National Housing and Homelessness Plan (the Plan). A summary of the Plan’s consultation findings is also available on DSS Engage.
Learn more about how we support those who are experiencing homelessness.