The Not-for-Profit (NFP) Sector Development Blueprint (the NFP Blueprint) issues paper is now available on the DSS Engage website for feedback.

The NFP Blueprint issues paper will start a conversation to inform the development of a sector led Blueprint - a roadmap, advising the government what is needed for a sustainable NFP and charities sector. This is the sector’s opportunity to tell the government what they need to create a better future for:

  • the Australian NFP and charities sector
  • those who benefit and rely on it.

Development of a NFP Blueprint was announced by the Australian Government in the 2022-23 October Budget. The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG), a group of sector representatives, was established to deliver the sector-led Blueprint.

Your input, ideas and views will help create a more vibrant and thriving NFP and charities sector. The BERG wants your suggestions for sector-led workable and effective reform options. This opportunity will allow you to identify:

  • changes that are needed immediately
  • changes that can be implemented over a longer period.

To share your views and help support long-term change for the NFP and charities sector, visit the DSS Engage website.

Submissions close on 20 December 2023.

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