The Review of Financial Wellbeing and Capability (FWC) programs – Consultation Paper is now available on the DSS Engage(Opens in a new tab/window) website for feedback.

This public Consultation Paper is the final stage of a review we are conducting of the FWC Activity this year.

The review provides an opportunity to:

  • consider existing challenges (such as cost of living and natural disasters)
  • build on what is working well
  • identify options and improvements for programs to achieve better outcomes for people accessing FWC services.

Your feedback will ensure future design options for programs and grants consider client, provider, sector and government views.

The Consultation Paper:

  • includes existing evidence and data
  • includes insights gathered through extensive targeted stakeholder engagement to date
  • considers key policy issues and opportunities for program and grant improvements.

Help shape the design of future FWC Activity programs. Submissions close on 29 January 2024.

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