If you have a problem with your Disability Employment Services provider, Australian Disability Enterprise or Advocacy Service, you can contact the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS) to make a complaint.

The CRRS is free, independent and impartial and available to people with disability and those acting on their behalf.

It can help you resolve your complaint for things like:

  • not getting the right pay
  • unsafe or poor employment conditions
  • not being respected and valued at work
  • abuse and neglect.

All complaints are treated with understanding and are completely confidential.

The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (AEDST), excluding Australian national public holidays.

We fund the CRRS.

You can view our new video about the CRRS below. We encourage you to share this video through your own channels.

The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service is free, independent and impartial.

If you have a problem with your Disability Employment Service,

Australian Disability Enterprise, or Disability Advocacy Service,

you can make a complaint to the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service.

It can help you resolve your issue — whether you’re not getting the right pay,

working in unsafe or poor conditions, feeling disrespected, or experiencing abuse or neglect.

All complaints are treated with understanding and are completely confidential.

The Service is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm.

The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service is here to help your voice be heard.

To make a complaint, call 1800 880 052 or visit the website for more information.

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