6. Health and wellbeing

Good health and wellbeing is important for everyone. We want people with disability to have health outcomes as good as the rest of the community, to ensure they are able to enjoy long, healthy and productive lives. We want to make sure the health system can help achieve that goal.


People with disability to attain the highest possible health and wellbeing outcomes throughout their lives.

Policy Directions

  • All health service providers (including hospitals, general practices, specialist services, allied health, dental health, mental health and population health programs and ambulance services) have the capability to meet the needs of people with disability.
  • Timely, comprehensive and effective prevention and early intervention health services for people with disability.
  • Universal health reforms and initiatives to address the needs of people with disability, their families and carers.
  • Factors fundamental to wellbeing and health status such as choice and control, social participation and relationships, to be supported in government policy and program design.

Areas for future action

6.1 Increase the representation of people with disability on universal health advisory bodies.

6.2 At the review points of the National Healthcare Agreement, other national health agreements and health-related National Partnership agreements, parties agree to consider including strategies consistent with the Strategy, and performance indicators to ensure they address the health needs of people with disability in all age groups.

6.3 Ensure a strong interface between disability services, Local Hospital Networks and Medicare Locals with strong links to local communities and health professionals.

6.4 Strengthen health care planning, training and the capacity of universal health care providers to diagnose and treat the health and co-morbid conditions of people with disability.

6.5 Strengthen the continuity, coordination and range of primary, multidisciplinary and sub-acute care available to meet the health needs of people with disability.

6.6 Address issues specific to people with disability as part of the national expansion of key public health strategies such as dental programs, nutrition and physical activity programs, mental health, drug and alcohol and sexual and reproductive health programs, so that they explicitly meet the needs of people with disability.

6.7 Ensure informal and supported decision makers are part of preventative, diagnostic and treatment programs where necessary and appropriate, always ensuring the rights of the individual are respected and protected.

6.8 Further develop the evidence base for the social and environmental determinants of health and ensure it informs the development and implementation of programs and policies.

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DSS2813 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2813