5. Learning and skills
An inclusive education system responsive to all abilities and learning styles will benefit all Australians, not simply those with disability. We need to make sure that the educational outcomes of people with disability catch up to those for people without disability, and ensure people with disability have every opportunity to reach their full potential.
People with disability to achieve their full potential through their participation in an inclusive, high quality education system that is responsive to their needs. People with disability have opportunities to continue learning throughout their lives.
Policy Directions
- Strengthen the capacity of all education providers to deliver inclusive, high quality educational programs for people with all abilities from early childhood to adulthood.
- Focus on reducing the disparity in educational outcomes for people with disability and others.
- Ensure that Government reforms and initiatives for early childhood, education, training and skill development are responsive to the needs of people with disability.
- Improve pathways for students with disability from school to further education, employment and life-long learning.
Areas for future action
5.1 Reduce barriers and simplify access for people with disability to a high quality inclusive education system including early learning, child care, school and further education.
5.2 At the review points of the National Education Agreement, the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development, Smarter Schools—Improving Teacher Quality National Partnership and other learning and skills-related National Partnerships, parties agree to consider including strategies, consistent with the Strategy, and performance indicators to ensure they address the needs of students with disability.
5.3 Develop innovative learning strategies and supports for students with disability which are accessible, reliable and responsive to strengthen their aspirations and enable them to reach their full potential.
5.4 Investigate options for reporting on educational outcomes of students with disability.
5.5 Identify and establish best practice for transition planning and support through all stages of learning and from education to employment. 5.6 Respond to the recommendations of the review of the Disability Standards for Education.
5.7 Ensure the Early Years Learning Framework, Australian Curriculum and national assessment processes incorporate the needs of students with disability within an inclusive education framework.
5.8 Promote leadership development for people with disability.