4. Personal and community support

People with disability should have equal access to those services that are available to the whole community.  For those people with disability who need specialist disability services to reach their goals or live their lives, we want to ensure they have access to flexible, quality services and supports that are responsive to their particular needs. We want people to get what they need, when they need it, so they can get out and about. We want people to get what they need to live an ordinary life.


People with disability, their families and carers to have access to a range of supports to assist them to live independently and actively engage in their communities.

Policy Directions

  • A sustainable disability support system which is person-centred and self-directed, and which maximises opportunities for independence and participation in the economic, social and cultural life of the community.
  • The disability support system to be responsive to the particular needs and circumstances of people with complex and high needs for support.
  • Universal personal and community support services are made available to meet the needs of people with disability, their families and carers.
  • The role of families and carers to be acknowledged and supported.

Areas for future action

4.1 Continue reform begun under the National Disability Agreement.

4.2 Consider new approaches to long-term disability care and support, including responses to the Productivity Commission Inquiry, which is due to provide its final report to Government on 31 July 2011.

4.3  Adopt sustainable funding models and service approaches that give information, choice and control to people with disability and that are flexible, innovative and effective.

4.4 Support the development of assistive technologies and more access to aids and equipment for people with disability.

4.5 Continue development of innovative and flexible support models for people with high and complex needs, including supported accommodation and community and family living approaches.

4.6 Improve access to timely, comprehensive and effective early intervention for people with disability.

4.7 Collaborate with providers of universal personal and community support services to improve access for people with disability.

4.8 Promote and sustain community support networks which provide information and support to families and carers.

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DSS2811 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2811