National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 Summary


All governments are committed to a national approach to supporting people with disability to maximise their potential and participate as equal citizens in Australian society.

The development of this National Disability Strategy is the first time in Australia’s history that all governments have committed to a unified, national approach to improving the lives of people with disability, their families and carers, and to providing leadership for a community-wide shift in attitudes.

This commitment recognises the need for greater collaboration and coordination by all governments, industry and communities to address the challenges faced by people with disability. A new approach is needed to guide policies and program development by all levels of government and actions by the whole community, now and into the future.

This Strategy builds on the significant work undertaken to date by all governments. The National Disability Agreement, signed by Commonwealth, state and territory governments in 2008, was an important first step towards a new, cooperative approach by Australian governments to supporting Australians with disability. By ratifying in 2008 the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Australia joined other countries in a global effort to promote the equal and active participation of all people with disability.

The National Disability Strategy will complement these and other actions, looking beyond the specialist disability sector and Australia’s international obligations. It will focus our efforts towards achieving a society that is inclusive and enabling, providing equality and the opportunity for each person to fulfil their potential.

The National Disability Strategy is endorsed by:

The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister of Australia
The Hon. Kristina Keneally MP, Premier of New South Wales
The Hon. Ted Baillieu MP, Premier of Victoria
The Hon. Anna Bligh MP, Premier of Queensland
The Hon. Colin Barnett MLA, Premier of Western Australia
The Hon. Mike Rann MP, Premier of South Australia
The Hon. Lara Giddings MP, Premier of Tasmania
The Hon. Paul Henderson MLA, Chief Minister of the Northern Territory
Mr Jon Stanhope MLA, Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory
Councillor Genia McCaffery, President Australian Local Government Association

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