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On 24 April 2015 the Disability Reform Council (the Council) agreed the Integrated Market, Sector and Workforce Strategy (the strategy) in preparation for the full roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).  The strategy has been developed by the Commonwealth, states and territories and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to provide a clear plan to align market, sector and workforce development activities.  The strategy provides a vision of what a robust market will look like and how it will function.  A key theme of the strategy is that over time, the role of governments in supporting the market will diminish as consumers and industry increasingly takes the lead shaping the future market of the NDIS.  The strategy brings together actions that will occur at the local, jurisdictional and national levels to achieve a market characterised by effective and informed consumers, responsive and diverse suppliers of supports and an adequate and diverse workforce.  The strategy provides guidance to governments and the NDIA in relation to implementing the NDIS so that it achieves a better life for people with disability and their families and carers. The strategy also considers how to leverage the existing work of jurisdictions to support the scheme’s implementation.

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Date published: 1 Jul 2015
Last updated: 12 Nov 2024

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DSS1303 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1303