National Autism Strategy Working Groups appointed

The 3 Department of Social Services-led National Autism Strategy Working Groups (the Working Groups) have been appointed.

The Working Groups will support the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council (the Oversight Council) in the development of the National Autism Strategy (the Strategy).

The Working Groups comprise approximately 70 members including at least one Autistic co-chair in each group and represent diverse intersectionality ensuring the inclusion of the diverse Autistic community. The Working Group members bring a vast depth of experience including lived experience, and across the Autistic community, research, professional, industry and government sectors.

The Working Groups will explore issues and ideas arising from the national consultations and contribute to the Strategy by focusing on key outcome areas; social inclusion, economic inclusion and diagnosis, services and supports.

Working group members were selected through an open expression of interest process conducted by Disability Representative Organisations and the Autism CRC and appointed by the Department of Social Services.

The fourth working group, Health Roadmap Working Group is led by the Department of Health and Aged Care and will support the development of the National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People.

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