Update on International Social Security Agreements currently under negotiation

Update on International Social Security Agreements currently under negotiation. 

We are currently negotiating 3 new social security agreements on behalf of the Australian Government: 

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: the negotiation of a new social security agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina was announced in the 2021-22 Budget. 
  • Uruguay: the negotiation of a new social security agreement with Uruguay was announced in February 2024. 
  • Lithuania: the negotiation of a new social security agreement with Lithuania was announced in March 2024. 

These agreements will assist people to qualify for, claim, and be paid retirement pensions from both Australia and the above countries they may not otherwise be able to access. The agreements will also remove double coverage of compulsory superannuation or insurance contributions for workers temporarily seconded between countries. 

Negotiations for these agreements are ongoing. The agreements will commence once both Australia and the relevant country have approved the agreement and completed all relevant processes. These processes are extensive and can take years to complete. 

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