About this resource

What is the aim of the review?

The aim of this review is to assess whether Child Protection Income Management operating in Western Australia is achieving its goals of:

  • ensuring that the priority needs of the individual, their children and other dependants are met
  • strengthening recipients’ financial capability and skills to reduce the risk of hardship and crisis
  • promoting socially responsible behaviour, particularly in relation to children
  • reducing the amount of funds available to be spent on excluded goods, including alcohol, tobacco, pornographic material and gambling.

Who conducted the review?

The review was conducted by the Evaluation Hub in the Australian Government Department of Social Services with the assistance of the Government of Western Australia’s Department for Child Protection and Family Support and the Australian Government Department of Human Services.  The Australian Institute of Family Studies also provided advice for the review.

Who participated in the review?

The review largely consisted of case file analysis and interviews with Child Protection Income Management recipients and staff involved in the implementation of income management. Interviews were conducted in the Perth metropolitan and the Kimberley regions, and with government and non-government stakeholders in the Goldfields region of Western Australia, where income management was not available at the time of the review.

Who is it for?

This report is for departments responsible for child protection, policy makers, service providers and other interested stakeholders.

Resource details

Date published: 1 Feb 2014
Last updated: 30 Oct 2024

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DSS1143 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1143