Help and support for human trafficking and slavery

Services are available to support people impacted by human trafficking and slavery.

If you, or someone you know, is impacted by human trafficking or modern slavery, there are people who can help. This includes advice on accommodation options, financial support, counselling and legal and immigration services.

Crisis and help lines

Australian Federal Police (AFP)(Opens in a new tab/window) - 13 12 37 (131AFP)

Report a human trafficking or modern slavery crime.

Salvation Army(Opens in a new tab/window)- 1800 000 277 (1800 000 ARP)

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm 

The Salvation Army provides a referral pathway(Opens in a new tab/window) for help and support with a human trafficking or modern slavery matter (without having to engage with law enforcement).

Life Without Barriers(Opens in a new tab/window) - 1800 403 213

Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm

Life Without Barriers provides help and support to people at risk of, or experiencing, forced marriage. 

My Blue Sky(Opens in a new tab/window) - 9514 8115 or text 0481 070 844

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (AEST/AEDT)

Australia's national forced marriage service provides support and free, confidential legal advice about forced marriage. To seek support email

Other support services

Translating and Interpreting Service(Opens in a new tab/window) (TIS) – 13 14 50
24 hours, 7 days a week 
A free phone service to gain access to an interpreter in your own language.  

The Translating and Interpreting Service does not provide counselling, but an interpreter can help you communicate with other services. All calls are free and confidential.

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