Data users and website activities

At the end of the 2008-09 financial year there were 244 registered users of LSAC data. Thirty-two per cent of users are in the Australian Capital Territory, 26 per cent are in Victoria and 14 per cent are in New South Wales. There are also a small number of users based overseas and in all other Australian states except Tasmania.

The Growing Up In Australia website, <>(link is external), was established in March 2002. There continues to be a steady increase in the number of website visits, as shown in Table 8. Website downloads indicate there is continuing, strong interest in publications from the study.


Table 8: Website visits and downloads
 Release date2004-052005-062006-072007-082008-09
2004 Annual Report24 May 200550110,8319,0245,1832,747
2005-06 Annual Report11 December 2006  8,0264,8171,339
2006-07 Annual Report19 June 2008   2,9384,122
2007-08 Annual Report3 December 2008    1,970
Discussion Paper 1:
Introducing the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
27 March 20023,00217,84415,1984,9273,734
Discussion Paper 2:
Proposed study design and Wave 1 data collection
22 September 20031,4831,7212,9872,8301,743
Discussion Paper 3:
Data management issues
3 May 200410,31710,3899,4719,1041,574
Discussion Paper 5:
Wave 2 data management issues
28 June 2007  1962,1821,573
Technical Paper 1:
Sample design
26 September 2005 2,5213,4014,7028,823
Technical Paper 2:
Summarising children's wellbeing: the LSAC Outcome Index (PDF 1.4 MB)
11 January 2006 2,3221,9601,9451,454
Technical Paper 3:
Wave 1 weighting and non‑response
25 May 2006 1031,3511,1881,165
Technical Paper 4:
Children's time use in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
July 2007   1,8961,392
Technical Paper 5:
Wave 2 weighting and non‑response
October 2007   6711,210
Data dictionary30 May 20051502,2372,6251,9312,374
Total publication downloads160;23,38156,22566,67062,90355,919
Total site visits160;57,22785,966107,890155,144182,263
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