Data access
Data from Growing Up in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children is warehoused at the Australian Institute of Family Studies and available to researchers approved by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Prospective users must abide by strict security and confidentiality protocols and are required to complete a dataset application and read and sign a deed of licence.
Data from Waves 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 are currently available. Application forms and deeds of licence are available on the study's website <>(link is external). A nominal fee is charged to cover the administrative costs of delivering datasets.
The Australian institute of Family Studies (AIFS) provides user support services. Datasets are accompanied by a user manual that includes a description of the sample design, how the study was conducted, details of weighting procedures and item derivations, and a listing of variable names, labels and response categories. User training sessions are conducted to expand upon the information provided in the user manual. Please contact the AIFS data manager if interested in attending a data user training session.
For data requests, contact
Growing Up in Australia Data Manager
Phone: (03) 9214 7803
Fax: (03) 9214 7839
Email: sends e-mail)
More information on Growing Up in Australia can be found on the study website <>(link is external). People with an interest in the study can join the email alert group to receive regular information on the study.
To join, send the following email:
To: sends e-mail)
Subject: (leave blank)
In the body of the email, type: subscribe growingup-refgroup
For general enquiries contact:
Growing Up in Australia Project Manager
Phone: (03) 9214 7892
Fax: (03) 9214 7839
Email: sends e-mail)
For Study participant enquiries contact:
Phone: 1800 005 508