Projects connecting people with disability with their communities

Grants for projects funded by the Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program.

About the projects 

We fund projects under the Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program to create connections between people with disability and their communities.  

We publish grant opportunities on the Grant Connect website(Opens external website). 

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Sign up for notifications of upcoming grant opportunities.

Grant recipients are reminded that information about their ILC funded project, including the project title and description, may be used copied or published on GrantConnect and other government publications.  

View the contact details for organisations delivering current ILC projects. 

Before October 2020, the ILC grants program was managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The Local Area Coordinator (LAC) referral function helps connect people with disability to their community and services and remains the responsibility of the NDIA. 

For information about ILC funded projects from 2016-2020 or how to contact a LAC visit the NDIS website(Opens external website) 

ILC programs 

Individual Capacity Building 

The Individual Capacity Building (ICB) program seeks to enable systemic, nationwide access to peer support, mentoring and other skills building for people with disability, their families and carers. 

Economic and Community Participation 

Economic and Community Participation (ECP) focusses on improving pathways to employment and increasing participation by people with disability. 

Under ECP 3 sub streams have been funded: 

  • Social and Community Participation (SCP) focuses on activities that support people with disability, their families and carers to participate, contribute and benefit from mainstream community activities including arts, culture, sport and recreation
  • Economic Participation (EP) focuses on initiatives that create pathways to employment to drive more inclusive practices by employers
  • Building Employer Confidence (BEC) focuses on building the confidence and ability of employers to hire, support and retain employers with disability

National Information Program 

The National Information Program (NIP) focusses on providing information on supports and services to people with disability, their families and their carers through consistent national information programs and products. 

Mainstream Capacity Building 

Mainstream Capacity Building (MCB) focusses on improving the capacity of mainstream services to respond to and include people with disability, increasing accessibility and use of mainstream services. 


Please find updates for projects connecting people with disability with their communities 

Showing 10 to 10 of 10 results

NIP 2019-20 grant round

On 11 October 2019, the results of the NIP grant opportunity were announced while the ILC program was under the NDIA.
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