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The Department engaged ACIL Allen Consulting to undertake a Post Implementation Review (PIR) of the reforms to Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FPs) that were implemented as part of five year grant agreements that commenced in July 2014.

The PIR found that, in general, respondents were supportive of and tracking well with the reforms.

  • Overall respondents supported the requirement to use evidence-based programs. However, a number of challenges were identified.
  • The majority of CfC FPs were supportive of playing a strategic and facilitation role only.
  • CfC FPs understand the importance of building and maintaining diverse committees but face challenges in engaging parents/carers and local business.
  • There was a reported increase in transparency around sub-contracting decisions but the review was unable to determine if there had been a reduction in red-tape. 
  • The report also explored the sectors transition to the new Data Exchange (DEX) platform.

The Department has responded to the review's findings by making adjustments to the evidence-based program requirements to allow providers more time to further develop their programs to meet the requirement. The Department has worked with the Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) information exchange to provide more guidance and assistance about how to meet the requirements, including mapping appropriate outcome measurement tools and providing templates for program logics and evaluation plans. The Department has also provided additional support for regional and remote CfC FPs to meet the evidence-based program requirements.

Moving forward the Department will focus on working collaboratively with CfC FPs to clarify expectations, enhance communication and share best practice, including through a CfC FP National Forum to be held in October 2017.

The Department will also continue to communicate with CfC FPs regarding the DEX requirements and to consider the DEX issues raised in the report. 

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Date published: 1 Oct 2016
Last updated: 30 Oct 2024

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DSS1396 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1396